Mineral and Petroleum Resources Development Act, 2002 (Act No. 28 of 2002)


Mine Community Resettlement Guidelines, 2022

10. Mine Community Resettlement Plan

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10.1An application for a mining right, prospecting right or a mining permit or a holder of a prospecting right, mining right or mining permit shall develop a resettlement plan whenever such application will have the effect of physical resettlement of landowners, lawful occupiers, holders of informal and communal land rights, mine communities and host communities.


10.2The resettlement plan shall be consulted with landowners, lawful occupiers, interested and affected parties, holders of informal and communal land rights, mine communities and host communities as outlined  in items 7.2 of these Guidelines.


10.3The resettlement plan may include measures to ensure that the displaced persons are informed about their options and rights pertaining to the resettlement; consulted  meaningfully;  provided assistance  during relocation;  and offered support after displacement, for a transition period based on a reasonable estimate of the time likely to be taken to restore their livelihood and standards of living.


10.4The types of resettlement packages may include:
10.4.1Cash compensation for assets, including crops and structures;
10.4.2Provision of resettlement housing;
10.4.3Provision of a resettlement site;
10.4.4Legal services;
10.4.5Health and safety services including counselling where needed;
10.4.6Allowances to facilitate the moving process; and
10.4.7Livelihood restoration programmes.


10.5Contents of a Resettlement Plan

Taking into account project and site-specific considerations, a resettlement plan may contain the following elements:


10.5.1Project Description
(i)Describe in full detail the name, nature, extent, and type of project to be undertaken.


10.5.2Impact Analysis
(i)Outline the details of a Socio-Economic Impact analyses conducted regarding the potential or actual negative and positive impacts of the proposed resettlement, costs, benefits, and opportunities.
(ii)Consider alternative measures to resettlement, advantages,  disadvantages , and mitigation measures.


10.5.3Meaningful Consultation
(i) Contain detailed information about the meaningful consultation with all stakeholders, proof of such consultation and outcomes of such meaningful consultation as outlined in item 7 of these Guidelines.


10.5.4Implementation Schedule
(i) An applicant or holder of a prospecting right, mining right or mining permit shall prepare an implementation plan with clear allocation of  roles and responsibilities, timelines, financial resources, deliverables and stakeholder engagement.


10.5.5Costs and Budgetary Implications
(i)The costs for implementing the plan shall be borne by the applicant or holder of a prospecting right, mining right or mining permit. These costs shall include costs relating to independent evaluation of movable and immovable property, legal and any other consultancy services, where applicable.
(ii)The valuation of movable and immovable property shall be certified by the Office of the Valuer General.


10.5.6Institutional Arrangements
(i)The institutional arrangements relate to both formal and informal institutions and agencies that are responsible to facilitate and deliver on the resettlement plan commitments.
(ii)The resettlement plan shall identify agencies responsible for resettlement activities such as Local Municipality, Department of Human Settlements, and an assessment of the institutional capacity of such agencies.
(iii)Identify organisations responsible for delivery of resettlement measures and provision of services and ensuring that local organisations familiar with the communities are used. Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of all stakeholders.
(iv)Ensure that persons responsible for implementing the resettlement plan do not have conflicting interests.


10.5.7Approval and Declaration
(i) The resettlement plan shall contain a declaration by the Chief Executive Officer or an equivalent person of the right holder taking responsibility for the contents of the plan and its execution.
(j) The Resettlement Plan once completed must be submitted to the office of the Regional Manager where the application for right or the right or permit was submitted or issued.