Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003)

Chapter 16 : Miscellaneous

178. Transitional provisions

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(1)Anything done in terms of a provision repealed by section 179(1), which can be done in terms of a provision of this Act, must be regarded as having been done in terms of this Act.


(2)All municipalities must within three months of the date on which this section takes effect, submit to the National Treasury a list of—
(a)all corporate entities in which the municipality or a municipal entity under its sole or shared control has an interest, specifying—
(i)the name and address of the corporate entity;
(ii)the purpose, extent and other particulars of the interest;
(iii)if such corporate entity is a municipal entity, whether the entity is under the sole or shared control of the municipality; and
(iv)such other information as may be required by the National Treasury;
(b)all public-private partnerships to which the municipality is a party, with a value of more than one million Rands in total or per annum, specifying—
(i)the name and physical address of the private party participating in the public-private partnership;
(ii)the purpose and other particulars of the public-private partnership; and
(iii)such other information as may be required by the National Treasury; and
(iv)all other types of contracts of the municipality for a period beyond 1 January 2007 and with a value of more than one million Rands in total or per annum.