Local Government: Municipal Finance Management Act, 2003 (Act No. 56 of 2003)

Chapter 6 : Debt

50. Municipal guarantees

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A municipality may not issue any guarantee for any commitment or debt of any organ of state or person, except on the following conditions:

(a)The guarantee must be within limits specified in the municipality's approved budget;
(b)a municipality may guarantee the debt of a municipal entity under its sole control only if the guarantee is authorised by the council in the same manner and subject to the same conditions applicable to a municipality in terms of this Chapter if it incurs debt;
(c)a municipality may guarantee the debt of a municipal entity under its shared control or of any other person, but only with the approval of the National Treasury, and then only if—
(i)the municipality creates, and maintains for the duration of the guarantee, a cash-backed reserve equal to its total potential financial exposure as a result of such guarantee; or
(ii)the municipality purchases and maintains in effect for the duration of the guarantee, a policy of insurance issued by a registered insurer, which covers the full amount of the municipality's potential financial exposure as a result of such guarantee.