National Conventional Arms Control Act, 2002 (Act No. 41 of 2002)

Chapter III : General

25A. Exemptions

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(1) The Chairperson and one member of the Committee may, in cases of an emergency or special operations and at the request of the National Commissioner of the South African Police Service or Chief of the South African National Defence Force, grant an exemption to the South African Police Service or South African National Defence Force from the provisions of this Act relating to the export and import of controlled items.


(2)        Any request for an exemption under subsection (1) must be—

(a) lodged with the secretariat; and
(b)accompanied by a comprehensive list of controlled items sought to be imported or exported and the name of the country from which the controlled items are being imported or to which they are exported.


(3)Any exemption granted under subsection (1) must be tabled before the Committee for ratification at the next ensuing meeting of the Committee.


[Section 25A inserted by section 17 of the National Conventional Arms Control Amendment Act No. 73 of 2008]