National Environmental Management Act, 1998 (Act No. 107 of 1998)


Regulations for the Management of Mercury in South Africa, 2024

Chapter 5: Manufacturing processes in which Mercury or Mercury Compounds or Mercury Mixtures are used

7. Restriction of mercury in manufacturing processes

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(1)No person may use mercury or mercury compounds in the processes listed in Part I of Annexure B to these Regulations in their manufacturing processes after the phase-out date specified in Annexure B.


(2)An eligible person must take the measures specified in Part II of Annexure B to these Regulations to restrict the use of mercury or mercury compounds in the processes listed in Part II of Annexure B.


(3)An eligible person that uses mercury, or mercury compounds listed in Annexure B in their manufacturing processes, must take measures to prevent a release of mercury or mercury compounds from a product onto land or into water.


(4)No person may use mercury or mercury compounds, except for the uses allowed in these Regulations.


(5)No person may use any other manufacturing process in which mercury or mercury compounds are intentionally used that did not exist prior to these Regulations coming into effect, unless approved in writing by the Minister.


(6)An application for approval referred to in subregulation (5) must demonstrate that—
(a)the manufacturing process provides significant environmental and health benefits when compared with associated risks; and
(b)there are no other technically and economically feasible mercury-free alternatives available that provide those benefits.


(7)No person may use mercury and mercury compounds in the manufacturing process listed in Part II of Annexure B without written approval of the Minister.