National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)

Chapter 3 : Biodiversity Planning and Monitoring

Part 1 : Biodiversity planning

40. Bioregions and bioregional plans

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(1)The Minister or the MEC for environmental affairs in a province may, by notice in the Gazette
(a)determine a geographic region as a bioregion for the purposes of this Act if that region contains whole or several nested ecosystems and is characterised by its landforms, vegetation cover, human culture and history; and
(b)publish a plan for the management of biodiversity and the components of biodiversity in such region.


(2)The Minister may determine a region as a bioregion and publish a bioregional plan for that region either—
(a)on own initiative but after consulting the MEC for Environmental Affairs in the relevant province; or
(b)at the request of a province or municipality.


(3)The MEC for environmental affairs may determine a region as a bioregion and publish a bioregional plan for that region only with the concurrence of the Minister.


(4)Any person or organ of state may, on the request of the Minister or MEC for Environmental Affairs, assist in the preparation of a bioregional plan.


(5)The Minister—
(a)may enter into an agreement with a neighbouring country to secure the effective implementation of the plan; and
(b)must submit to Parliament a copy of any agreement entered into in terms of paragraph (a).