National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)NoticesAlien and Invasive Species Lists, 2020Notice 2 : Exempted Alien Species in terms of section 66(1) |
(1) | The following categories of alien species that are within the Republic when this Notice comes into effect, are exempted from the provisions of section 65(1) of the Act: |
(a) | Dead specimens of any alien species, including: |
(i) | dead specimens imported, kept, or removed from one area to another as taxonomic reference specimen; and |
(ii) | dead specimens used as derivatives in products, including food, cosmetics and detergents. |
(b) | Subject to e, any alien species that has been legally introduced into the Republic, or was introduced into the Republic prior to any legal requirement for such introduction, for agricultural purposes, and any new cultivar, variety, or hybrid of any species legally imported for agricultural purposes (excluding those which are already listed as invasive). |
(c) | Subject to e, any alien species, other than an alien species introduced for agricultural purposes as contemplated in paragraph (b) above, that has been legally introduced into the Republic, or was introduced into the Republic prior to any legal requirement for such introduction, prior to the commencement of this Notice. |
(d) | Any invasive species listed in terms of section 70(1)(a) of the Act. |
(e) | All alien fresh-water fish, except for the release of alien freshwater fish into rivers, wetlands, natural lakes and estuaries. |
(2) | The exemptions in paragraph 1 above, do not apply to the Diceros bicornis michaeli (Zukowsky, 1965) (common name, Eastern Black Rhinoceros (Kenya)) and the provisions of section 65(1) of the Act apply, until the species is listed as a protected species with the commencement of Government Notice 627 in Government Gazette 43386 of 3 June 2020. |
(3) | The following categories of alien species that are not within the Republic when this Notice comes into effect and comes into the Republic from outside of the Republic are exempted from the provisions of section 65(1) of the Act: |
(a) | Any alien species that— |
(i) | has been subjected to a risk assessment and authorised for importation in terms of the Act; and |
(ii) | is listed in a register of alien species legally imported into the Republic for the first time after the date of publication of the Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, 2014 and this Notice, which register is established and maintained by the Institute. |
(b) | Dead specimens of any alien species including: |
(i) | dead specimens imported, kept, or removed from one area to another as taxonomic reference specimens; and |
(ii) | dead specimens used as derivates in products, including food, cosmetics and detergents. |
(c) | Any invasive species listed in terms of section 70(1)(a) of the Act. |