National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)


Regulations pertaining to threatened or protected terrestrial species and freshwater species, 2023 - effective 1 April 2023

Section A: Provisions relating to Listed Threatened or Protected Species

Chapter 3 : Registration of Captive Breeding Facilities, Rehabilitation Facilities, Sanctuaries, Temporary Holding Facilities, Scientific Institutions, Commercial Exhibition Facilities, Nurseries, Game Farms and Wildlife Translocators

Part 2 - Consideration of registration applications

50. Circumstances in which registration must be refused

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(1) The issuing authority must refuse to grant a registration if—
(a)the purpose to which the application relates is in conflict with the objectives of the Biodiversity Act; or
(b)any applicable legal requirements are not complied with.


(2)In addition to the provision of subregulation (1), the issuing authority must refuse to register a captive breeding facility or commercial exhibition facility if measures have not been implemented by the applicant to prevent hybridization.


(3)In addition to the provision of subregulation (1), the issuing authority must refuse to register a game farm—
(a)if measures have not been implemented by the applicant to prevent hybridization;
(b)for listed threatened or protected species that are not included in the certificate of adequate enclosure issued by the provincialissuing authority; or
(c)in addition to the species contemplated in paragraph (b), for the following predator species—
(i)Lycaon pictus;
(ii)Otocyon megalotis;
(iii)Felis nigripes;
(iv)Parahyaena brunnea;
(v)Vulpes chama;
(vi)Acynonix jubatus ;
(vii)Panthera pardus;
(viii)Leptailurus serval; and
(ix)Crocuta crocuta.