National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)


Regulations pertaining to threatened or protected terrestrial species and freshwater species, 2023 - effective 1 April 2023

Section A: Provisions relating to Listed Threatened or Protected Species

Chapter 5 : Renewal, Amendment and Cancellation of Permits and Registrations

Part 3 - Reporting on permits by issuing authorities

67. Register to be established and maintained by issuing authorities

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(1) Each issuing authority must—
(a)establish and maintain a register of all permits,including integrated permits, and registrations issued, renewed or amended by it; and
(b)record, as a minimum, the following information in the register—
(i)name of the permit or registration holder;
(ii)the number assigned to each permit or registration certificate;
(iii)the scientific, and the common name if any, of the species for which the permit or registration was issued;
(iv)the restricted activity, or activities, as the case may be, for which the permit was issued;

or registration was issued;

(v)the period of validity of the permit or registration; and
(vi)the location where the restricted activity is to be carried out.


(2)Each provincial issuing authority must submit a copy of the register contemplated in subregulation (1), and copies of the reports contemplated in regulation 55(2)(b) of these Regulations, to the Department at the end of each calendar year.


(3)The Department may from time to time request an issuing authority to furnish it with any additional information it may require.