National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)


National Norms and Standards for the Management of Elephants in South Africa, 2023 - effective 1 April 2023

Chapter 2 : General Management of Elephants

Part 1 : General provisions

11. Capture of elephants

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A wild elephant may be captured in the following circumstances only:

(a)for introduction into another extensive wildlife system, in accordance with paragraph 12(2)(a) and (b);
(b)for introduction into a captive facility—
(i)in exceptional circumstances with the approval of the Minister,including but not limited to scientific or research purposes or in terms of an international agreement, provided that—
(aa)such introduction promotes the conservation of elephants; and
(bb)is in the best interest of the elephant;
(c)for introduction into a temporary holding facility for purposes of temporary captivity;or
(d)for introduction into a rehabilitation facility,if—
(i)in the case of a sick or injured elephant, it is for treatment and recovery purposes and subsequent release into the same extensive wildlife system which the elephant has been captured from, to the extent possible;or
(ii)it is an orphan calf captured, for the purposes of rearing and subsequent release into an extensive wildlife system.