National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)


National Norms and Standards for the Management of Elephants in South Africa, 2023 - effective 1 April 2023

Chapter 2 : General Management of Elephants

Part 2 : Management of wild elephants

15. Management of wild elephant populations

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(1)Should it become necessary, within the objectives of the area concerned as indicated in the approved management plan, to manage the size, the composition or the rate of growth of a wild elephant population, the responsible person must use one or a combination of the following management options:
(a)contraception in terms of paragraph 17;
(b)range manipulation in terms of paragraph 18;
(c)translocation in terms of paragraph 12;
(d)introduction of elephants in terms of paragraphs 5 and 16;
(e)hunting in terms of paragraphs 20 and 21; or
(f)culling in terms of paragraph 19, as well as in terms of the TOPS Regulations.


(2)Should it become necessary, within the objectives of the area concerned as provided for in the approved management plan, to manage the spatial distribution of a wild elephant population within the boundaries of the area, the responsible person must use one or a combination of the following management options:
(a)contraception in terms of paragraph 17;
(b)range manipulation in terms of paragraph 18;
(c)translocation in terms of paragraph 12; or
(d)introduction of elephants in terms of paragraph 5 and paragraph 16.


(3)The flow diagram in Annexure VI should be used as a guideline to determine the appropriate option.