National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)


Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, 2020

Chapter 7 : Issuing, Amendment and Cancellation of Permits

25. Special provisions for research, biological control, display purposes and inter-basin transfer

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(1) Despite anything to the contrary in these regulations, a permit may be issued subject to permit conditions, to a scientific institution to carry out a restricted activity involving a specimen of an alien or listed invasive species, and must be issued under the conditions that the specimen must—
(a) be kept for identification or research purposes only;
(b) form part of a preliminary study into biological control methods; or
(c) form part of an effective biological control programme.


(2) When issuing a permit for the specimens contemplated in sub-regulation (1), the issuing authority must determine—
(a) restrictions and conditions, including quarantine conditions and conditions for the prevention of escape, for the importation or the carrying out of other restricted activities involving the specimen;
(b) mechanisms for ensuring compliance with conditions determined in terms of sub-regulation 2(a);
(c) procedures to be followed in the event of a specimen contemplated in sub-regulation 1(a) escaping or failure to comply with the conditions determined in terms of sub-regulation 2(a); and
(d) restrictions and conditions for the release of the specimen into the wild.


(3) Despite anything to the contrary in these regulations, a permit may be issued, subject to permit conditions, to a zoological or botanical institution to carry out a restricted activity involving a specimen of an alien or listed invasive species, including for display purposes.


(4) A permit may not be issued in terms of sub-regulation (3) unless the relevant institution is able to demonstrate that an alien or listed invasive species cannot escape from the facility.


(5) Despite anything to the contrary in these regulations, a permit may be issued, subject to permit conditions, for the transfer of a specimen of an alien or listed invasive species from one fresh-water system in which it occurs to another freshwater system in which it does not occur through a state inter-basin transfer scheme.