National Environmental Management: Biodiversity Act, 2004 (Act No. 10 of 2004)


Alien and Invasive Species Regulations, 2020

Chapter 3 : Restricted Activities

6. Restricted Activities

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In addition to those activities defined in terms of section 1 of the Act as restricted activities, the following activities are hereby prescribed as restricted activities:


(a) spreading or allowing the spread of, any specimen of a listed invasive species;


(b)releasing any specimen of a listed invasive species;


(c) the transfer or release of a specimen of a listed invasive fresh-water species from one discrete catchment system in which it occurs, to another discrete catchment system in which it does not occur; or, from within a part of a discrete catchment system where it does occur to another part where it does not occur as a result of a natural or artificial barrier;


(d) discharging of or disposing into any waterway, water body or the ocean, water from an aquarium, tank or other receptacle that has been used to keep a specimen of an alien species or a listed invasive freshwater or marine species;


(e) catch and release of a specimen of a listed invasive fresh-water fish or listed invasive fresh-water invertebrate species;


(f)the introduction of a specimen of an alien or listed invasive species to off-shore islands; and


(g) the release of a specimen of a listed invasive fresh-water fish species, or of a listed invasive fresh water invertebrate species into a discrete catchment system in which it already occurs.