National Environment Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act No. 24 of 2008)

Chapter 5 : Institutional Arrangmenets

Part 4 : Municipal Coastal Committees

42. Establishment and functions of Municipal Coastal Committees

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(1)Each metropolitan municipality and each district municipality that has jurisdiction over any part of the coastal zone may establish a coastal committee for the municipality and, subject to subsection (4), determine its powers.


(2)Any local municipality that has jurisdiction over any part of the coastal zone may establish a coastal committee for the municipality and, subject to subsection (4), determine its powers, which may include the power to establish local subcommittees of the municipal coastal committee.


(3)A municipal coastal committee contemplated in subsections (1) and (2) may include—
(a)persons with expertise in fields relevant to coastal management; and
(b)representatives of the management authorities of coastal protected areas or special management areas within the municipality; and
(c)representatives of communities or organisations with a particular interest in contributing to effective coastal management, such as port authorities, organs of state, persons whose livelihoods or businesses rely on the use of coastal resources, environmental interest groups and research organisations.


(4)A municipal coastal committee contemplated in subsections (1) and (2) may—
(a)promote integrated coastal management in the municipality and the coordinated and effective implementation of this Act and the municipal coastal management programme;
(b)advise the municipal manager, the municipal council and the provincial coastal committee on matters concerning coastal management within the area of jurisdiction of the municipal coastal committee;
(c)advise the municipality on developing, finalising, reviewing and amending the municipal coastal management programme;
(d)promote a co-ordinated, inclusive and integrated approach to coastal management within the municipality by providing a forum for, and promoting, dialogue, co-operation and co-ordination between the key organs of state and other persons involved in coastal management within its area of jurisdiction;
(e)promote the integration of coastal management concerns and objectives into the municipality's integrated development plan and spatial development framework and into other municipal plans, programmes and policies that affect the coastal environment; and
(f)perform any coastal governance function delegated to it.