National Environment Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act No. 24 of 2008)

Chapter 6 : Coastal Management

Part 1 : National coastal management programme

45. Contents of national coastal management programme

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(1)The national coastal management programme must—
(a)be a policy directive on integrated coastal management; and
(b)provide for an integrated, co-ordinated and uniform approach to coastal management by organs of state in all spheres of government, non-governmental organisations, the private sector and local communities.


(2)The national coastal management programme must include the following components:
(a)A national vision for coastal management in the Republic, including the sustainable use of coastal resources;
(b)national coastal management objectives;
(c)priorities and strategies to achieve those objectives;
(d)performance indicators to measure progress with the achievement of those objectives;
(e)norms and standards for the management of—
(i)the coastal zone generally;
(ii)the specific components of the coastal zone; and
(f)a framework for co-operative governance to implement measures concerning coastal management that—
(i)identifies the responsibilities of different organs of state, including their responsibilities in relation to marginalised or previously disadvantaged communities that are dependent on coastal resources for their livelihood;  and
(ii)facilitates co-ordinated and integrated coastal management.