Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act No. 24 of 2008)


Reclamation of Land from Coastal Waters Regulations, 2018

5. Application for final reclamation decision

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(1)An application for a final reclamation decision must be made in writing to the Minister by using a form obtainable from the Department.


(2)An application for a final reclamation decision must be lodged—
(a)in duplicate together with any other copies, if required; and
(b)electronically, if required.


(3)The Minister must, within 10 days after receipt of an application for a final reclamation decision, acknowledge receipt of the application in writing.


(4)Pursuant to sections 7B(5) and 7C(7) of the Act, an application for a final reclamation decision must contain the following information:
(a)proof of payment of the fee, if prescribed;
(b)the relevant environmental authorisation, including all expert and other reports used to inform the granting of the environmental authorisation; and
(c)in the case of an application for reclamation in terms of section 7C of the Act, Parliament’s ratification in terms of sections 7C(4)(b) and 7C(6) of the Act.