National Environment Management: Integrated Coastal Management Act, 2008 (Act No. 24 of 2008)


Control of Use of Vehicles in the Coastal Area Regulations

8. Suspension, amendment and cancellation of permits and exemptions

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(1) Subject to subregulation (2), a permit or exemption issued under these regulations may at any time be suspended, cancelled or amended.


(2) A permit or exemption may be suspended, cancelled or amended, if—
(a) the relevant authority is satisfied on the basis of information that was not considered when the permit or exemption was issued, that it is necessary or desirable to suspend, cancel or amend the permit or exemption to prevent deterioration or further deterioration of the environment within the coastal area;
(b) other similar permits or exemptions held by other persons in the same vicinity have also been reviewed and the suspension, cancellation or amendment does not unfairly discriminate against the holder in relation to other holders of similar permits or exemptions in the same vicinity;
(c) the permit holder or exemption holder is in breach of a condition contained in the permit or exemption;
(d) the permit holder or exemption holder provided incorrect or false information in the application for the permit or exemption;
(e) the holder of a permit or exemption has been convicted of an offence in terms of the Act, the National Environmental Management Act or a specific environmental management act or any regulations issued thereunder; or
(f) the reason for the issuing of the permit or exemption no longer exists.


(3) A permit or exemption may be amended—
(a) if an error needs to be corrected or rectified;
(b) at the request of the applicant;
(c) for the proper management and implementation of these Regulations; or
(d) where the conditions or circumstances have changed since the original permit or exemption was issued.