National Environmental Management: Waste Act, 2008 (Act No. 59 of 2008)


Regulations regarding the Control of the Import of Export of Waste, 2017

Chapter 3 : Requirements for the Application for the Import, Export or Transit of Waste

9. Requirements when applying for the transit of hazardous waste

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(1)An application for the transit of hazardous waste submitted to the competent authority must as a minimum, include—
(a)a letter of request from the competent authority from the country of export;
(b)a completed notification form;
(c)applicable insurance or other financial guarantee covering the movement of waste and environmental clean-up in case of an incident; and
(d)a contract between the importer and exporter.


(2)An applicant must obtain consent from the competent authority before the transit of any waste.


[Regulation 9 substituted by section 10 of Notice No. 5849, GG52066, dated 6 February 2025]