National Forests Act, 1998 (Act No. 84 of 1998)

Chapter 5 : Institutions

Part 1 : National Forests Advisory Council

36. Committees of Council

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(1)The Council may elect an executive committee.


(2)The chairperson of the Council must be the chairperson of the executive committee.


(3)The Council must establish—
(a)the Committee for Sustainable Forest Management; and
(b)the Committee on Forest Access,

as permanent committees of the Council.


(4)The permanent committees must include persons representing the interest groups referred to in section 34(2) and—
(a)in the case of the Committee for Sustainable Forest Management, a representative of the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism appointed by its Director-General;
(b)in the case of the Committee on Forest Access, one or more representatives of voluntary associations interested in recreational activities in forests appointed in terms of subsection (9).


(5)The functions of the Committee for Sustainable Forest Management are to advise—
(a)the Council, the Department and the Minister on all aspects of sustainable If forest management in the Republic;
(b)the Department and the Minister on the determination of criteria, indicators and standards for sustainable forest management;
(c)the Department on convening forums for interested persons to participate in the formulation of criteria, indicators and standards.


(6)The functions of the Committee on Forest Access are to advise the Minister on—
(a)a ruling referred to in section 20(10);
(b)promoting the grant and exercise of access to forests;
(c)promoting education on the sustainable management and use of forests;
(d)the use of the Trust funds.


(a)A decision on advice to be provided to the Minister by a permanent committee must be reached on the basis of unanimity.
(b)If unanimity is not reached, the Minister must consider all the views expressed in the committee as conveyed by the chairperson of the committee.


(8)The Council may establish other committees.


(9)The Council may, with the approval of the Minister, appoint to one of the permanent committees or to a committee contemplated in subsection (8), persons who are not members of the Council but who may assist the committee in the performance of its functions.


(10)The Council must designate one member of each committee as the chairperson 3 and one member as the vice-chairperson.