State forest
i)State land, other than trust forests, acquired or reserved for forestry in terms of this Act or any previous forest legislation, unless it has been released under section 50(3);
ii)State land, other than trust forests, designated as demarcated State forest or a similar designation in terms of any previous forest legislation, unless it was withdrawn from demarcation and is no longer used for forestry; and
iii)trust forests; and
i)i)        State plantations, State sawmills and State timber preservation plants;
ii)ii)        land controlled and managed by the Department for research purposes or as a tree nursery;
iii)iii)        areas protected in terms of sections 8(1)(a) and (b) and 9;
iv)iv)        an area of State land which has been set aside in terms of previous forest legislation for the prevention of soil erosion or sand drift;
v)v)        an area referred to in paragraph (a) or paragraph (b)(i) to (iv), the ownership or control of which is transferred to a person or organ of State contemplated in section 53(2)(g)(i).