National Gambling Act, 1996 (Act No. 33 of 1996)

10. Objects of Board

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The objects of the Board shall be--

a)with a view to the effective performance of certain matters relating to casinos, gambling and wagering to promote uniform norms and standards applying generally throughout the Republic, and to bring about uniformity in the legislation relating to gambling in force in the various provinces;
b)to establish and maintain a national inspectorate to perform inspection services in respect of certain gambling activities;
c)to monitor the existence of any dominant or over-concentrated market-share in the gambling industry in the Republic;
d)to advise the Minister and the provinces on any matter in respect of which the Minister or the provinces require the advice of the Board;
e)to do research with reference to any matter referred to in paragraph (a) and to study and investigate all such matters in order to make recommendations for the development, improvement, modernisation or reform thereof;
f)to facilitate the resolution of any disputes which may arise between the respective provinces regarding the regulation and control of gambling activities; and
g)to liaise with any, foreign or international body having any objects similar to the objects of the Board.