National Gambling Act, 2004 (Act No. 7 of 2004)

Chapter 4 : National Structures

Part A : National Gambling Policy Council

62. Functions of National Gambling Policy Council

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1)The Council is a body in which the national government and the provincial governments consult on-
a)the determination and establishment of national gambling policy;
b)gambling laws, including the promotion of uniform national and provincial laws in respect of gambling norms and standards;
c)any matter concerning gambling within the national or provincial sphere of government;
d)any matter concerning the management or monitoring of gambling in the Republic or in any specific province or provinces;
e)the resolution of any dispute that may arise among provincial licensing authorities, or between a provincial licensing authority and the board, regarding the regulation and control of gambling activities; and
f)other matters that may be referred to it by a member of the Council.


2)The Council-
a)may provide oversight and direction to the board in the exercise of its powers and the performance of its duties;
b)may refer any matter within its authority to the board or any provincial licensing authority, with a request for a report or recommendation; and
c)may make a finding that a provincial licensing authority has failed to comply with this Act and, if it does so, may direct that provincial licensing authority to enter into an agreement with the board in respect of the steps to be taken by the provincial licensing authority to ensure compliance with this Act.