National Key Points Act, 1980 (Act No. 102 of 1980)


Regulations regarding the Appointment of Guards by Owners of National Key Points and the Powers of such Guards

9. Employment, and hiring of services, of security guards

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[Regulation 9 heading substituted by regulation 3 of Notice No. R. 874 of 1985]


(1) An owner shall, subject to subregulation (2)—
(a) appoint an authorised security guard as chief security officer at the Key Point concerned, who shall be responsible to the owner for the overall control of security guards employed at that Key Point and for the application of the security measures which the owner has taken and applied at the Key Point; and
(b) appoint such number of authorised security guards as he deems necessary, or, if the Minister has for the purposes of this regulation determined a number in terms of regulation 16(1)(g), such number of security guards, as control security guards, to exercise control under the command of the chief security officer over security guards serving at the Key Point.


(2) An owner may, with the approval of the Minister, appoint security guards in respect of his Key Point according to a system other than that contemplated in subregulation (1), and in such case the authorised security guards designated by the Minister shall excercise [sic] the powers conferred by these Regulations on control security guards and a chief security officer, respectively.


(3) An owner may, notwithstanding the provisions of subregulations (1) and (2), with the approval of the Minister, appoint any person other than an authorised security guard as chief security officer.


(4) [Regulation 9(4) deleted by regulation 5(a) of Notice No. R. 2439 of 1983]


(5) An owner shall, subject to the provisions of the Act and these Regulations, determine the duties and powers of a control security guard and a chief security officer.


(6) An owner shall, at the end of each calendar month furnish the Minister with particulars in connection with security guards which were in his employ during that month on a form which substantially corresponds to the form in Annexure B.

[Regulation 9(6) substituted by regulation 5(b) of Notice No. R. 2439 of 1983]