National Land Transport Act, 2009 (Act No. 5 of 2009)

Chapter 6 : Regulation of Road-Based Public Transport

Part 3 : Regulation of tourist transport services

81. Accreditation of operators of tourist transport services

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(1)As from a date determined by the Minister, by notice in the Gazette, no one may operate tourist transport services unless accredited by the National Public Transport Regulator.


(2)The National Public Transport Regulator must accredit operators of tourist services on application by them if satisfied that they—
(a)are fit and proper persons or entities to transport tourists in a manner that is safe and will promote South Africa as a tourist destination;
(b)meet the prescribed technical requirements; and
(c)have access to acceptable vehicles and maintenance facilities.


(3)The National Public Transport Regulator must consider the prescribed matters in deciding whether to grant or refuse an application for accreditation.


(4)Such accreditation may specify classes or maximum number of vehicles that may be operated by the particular operator.


(5)No such accreditation may be granted unless the National Public Transport Regulator has obtained and considered recommendations from the tourism authority or authorities recognized by the Minister.


(6)Accreditation may be granted without such recommendations where such tourism authority has not supplied them in the time specified in the entity's request or where no such requirement is prescribed.


(7)The National Public Transport Regulator must keep a register of accredited tourist operators which is available for inspection to any interested person on request, on payment of the prescribed fee.


(8)Accredited operators must renew their accreditation every five years in the prescribed manner, failing which their accreditation will lapse.