National Payment System Act, 1998 (Act No. 78 of 1998)
1. Definitions
2. Powers and duties of Reserve Bank regarding payment system
3. Payment system management body
4. Objects and rules of payment system management body
4A. Designated settlement systems
5. Settlement provision
6. Clearing provisions and designated clearing system participants
6A. Effectiveness and efficiency of the National Payment System
7. Payments to third persons
8. Curatorship, judicial management or liquidation
9. Utilisation of assets provided as security
10. Information
11. Settlement of disputes
12. Directives by Reserve Bank
13. Retention of records
13A. Application for court order
14. Penalties
15. Review of Act
16. Short title
Designation of the South African Post Office Limited, a Postal Company contemplated in Section 3(1) of the Post Office Act, 1958 (Act No. 44 of 1958) which conducts the business of a bank through its Postbank Division, referred to in Section 51 of the Postal Services Act, 1998 (Act No. 124 of 1998), as a Designated Clearing System Participant
Notice No. 315 of 2011
1. Introduction
2. Background of the Proposed Designated Clearing System Participant
3. Designation
4. Conditions
Designation of Retail Assist (Pty) Limited
Notice No. 603 of 2020
1. Introduction
2. Background of the proposed designated clearing system participant
3. Designation
4. Conditions
Revocation of the Designation of the South African Post Office Limited, a Postal Company contemplated in Section 3(1) of the Post Office Act 44 of 1958, which previously conducted the business of a Bank through its Postbank Division, as a Designated Clearing System Participant
Notice No. R. 1241 of 2020
1. Introduction
2. Background
3. Revocation
Designation of South African Postbank SOC Limited as a Designated Clearing System Participant
Notice No. R. 1242 of 2020
1. Introduction
2. Background of the proposed designated clearing system participant
3. Designation
4. Conditions
Directive in respect of Cybersecurity and Cyber-Resilience within the National Payment System
Notice No. 4835 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Background
3. Purpose
4. Application of this directive
5. Directive
6. Supervision and compliance monitoring
7. Effective date and non-compliance
8. Conclusion
Directive in respect of issuing of Electronic Funds Transfer Credit Payment instructions on behalf of the payer in the National Payment System
Notice No. 5550 of 2024
1. Definitions
2. Background
3. Purpose
4. Scope of this directive
5. Directive
6. Supervision and compliance monitoring
7. Effective date and non-compliance
8. Conclusion