National Qualifications Framework Act, 2008 (Act No. 67 of 2008)


Policy and Criteria for Credit Accumulation and Transfer within the National Qualifications Framework (as amended, 2021)

Quality comparison based on credible methods

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16. Quality comparisons:
a. must enable adequate comparison mapping and are dependent on the availability of the necessary information on the accumulated credits – transcripts alone are insufficient;
b. are based on credible methods that determine the extent to which the curriculum content and outcomes match, as guided by the NQF Level Descriptors in conjunction with the quality standards developed and published by the Quality Councils;
c. take into account the purpose, NQF level and credits of each qualification/part-qualification as well as the broader application of the qualification/part-qualification within the context for which it was designed and the validity of the content of the credit;
d. consider the degree of similarity between the content and outcomes for which credits have already been awarded, and those in the qualification/part-qualification towards which credits is being sought, to ensure that learners have the necessary knowledge and backgrounds to be successful in further learning; and
e. build on good practices that exist in appropriate communities of practice.