National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996)


National Road Traffic Regulations, 2000

Chapter VI : Fitness of Vehicles

Part III: Dimensions of vehicles

228. Projections in case of motor cycle, motor tricyle or pedal cycle

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No person shall operate on a public road a motor cycle, motor tricycle, or pedal cycle if any goods carried thereon, or on any portion or side-car of such cycle, project more than 600 millimetres to the front of the axle centre of the front wheel or more than 900 millimetres to the rear of the axle centre of the rear wheel or more than 450 millimetres on either side of the wheels of such cycle, or more than 300 millimetres to the outside of the wheel of any side-car: Provided that the provisions of this regulation shall not apply in respect of any side mirror or crash bar.


[Regulation 228 substituted by regulation 18 of Notice No. R. 589 of 2009]