National Road Traffic Act, 1996 (Act No. 93 of 1996)


National Road Traffic Regulations, 2000

Chapter IX : Road Traffic Signs and General Speed Limit

Part I : Road traffic signs

286A. Colours for manufacture of road traffic signs

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(a) The colours of a road traffic sign shall be as indicated in Schedule 1.
(b) Where a temporary version of a road sign is provided for, by means of a temporary number allocated to such sign, the colour of such sign shall be altered so that—
(i)a white symbol, letter or border becomes black semi-matt and any super-imposed black symbol becomes white retro-reflective;
(ii)the yellow symbol on signs R302 and R303 and any yellow letters, numerals or punctuation marks become black semi-matt; or
(iii) a white, blue or green background becomes yellow retro-reflective:

Provided that:

(aa)a red border or other area stays red except that—
(aaa) the border of a temporary diagrammatic sign or high visibility sign becomes black semi-matt; or
(bbb) the red areas on signs W401, W402 and W405 to W410 become black semi-matt;
(bb) the superimposed coloured portions of symbols on signs R126, R232, R316, R321, R322, R316-P, R321-P, R322-P, W301, W302 and W303 stay as they are; and

(cc)        any other yellow symbol stays yellow but is surrounded by a thin black semi-matt border.

(c) Where only a temporary version of a road sign is provided for it shall conform to the temporary colours referred to in paragraph (b).


(2) Where a road traffic sign is required to be of any specific colour or colours, such colours shall be in conformity with the following specifications published by the South African Bureau of Standards:
(a) For red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white and brown retro-reflective material and for red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, white, grey, black and brown paint, the coefficient of retro-reflection, the colour, luminance factor and specular gloss, as the case may be, prior to weathering, of the standard specification SABS 1519 "Road signs", and the words "coefficient of retro-reflection, colour, luminance factor, specular gloss and weathering", shall bear the same meaning as assigned thereto by such specification;
(b)for yellow, white, black and red road marking material and golden yellow paint, standard specification SABS 1091 "National colour standards for paint";
(c) for red, yellow, clear and green road studs, standard specification SABS 1442 "Road studs"; and
(d) for red, yellow and green illuminated traffic signals, standard specification SABS 1459 "Traffic Lights".


(3)If a road traffic sign is displayed with a colour which differs in shade from the colour specified in subregulation (2), the validity of such sign shall, in the absence of evidence of prejudice, not be affected thereby.


(4) The reverse side of a road sign, other than a road sign with an aluminium background, shall be grey, except that, irrespective of the material of manufacture, the reverse side of a stop sign shall be white semi-matt.


(5) Subject to the provisions of this Part, the colour of the standard or post specifically erected for the display of a road sign shall, where the standard or post is—
(a) of steel, be grey: Provided that if the steel has been treated this requirement shall not apply;
(b) of wood, be the colour of the wood as treated or painted grey or brown; and
(c) of concrete, be the natural colour of the concrete, and in the case of a road signal the standard, post or cantilever shall be golden yellow, portions of which may be retro-reflective; Provided that this provision shall not be applicable to an overhead traffic signal mounted on a gantry.

[Regulation 286A(5)(c) substituted by regulation 62 of Notice No. R. 1341 of 2003]


(6) Light reflecting variable message road signs shall conform to the dimensional and colour requirements in this regulation.



(a)Light emitting variable message road signs may be used to display a regulatory, warning, guidance or information message.

(b)        Any light emitting variable message road sign which conveys a regulatory or warning message shall display the message—

(i)in the same shape as the equivalent standard sign;
(ii) with an illuminated red or white border as the case may be; and
(iii)with an illuminated message in white letters, numbers or symbols on a semi-matt black background.
(c)A combination of a standard road sign and a variable message road sign may be used.


(8) Retro-reflective material referred to in subregulation (2)(a) shall bear a permanent mark to identify the class and the manufacturer of such material.