Testing shall only be conducted during normal office hours on weekdays, from 07:00 to 17:00 and Saturdays from 07:00 to 13:00. No testing shall take place on Sundays and Public holidays.
The examiner for driving licences shall not comment on, mention, or discuss any error made by the applicant during the test, nor may he/she assist the applicant during the execution of any manoeuvre or action.
The examiner shall record all the relevant information required on the test report.
The examiner shall not pose any questions to test the applicant's theoretical knowledge during the practical test.
The examiner shall not allow anyone or anything to hinder or anything to instruct or obstruct an applicant during a test and the applicant shall be under his/her direct supervision at all times.
Only the examiner, representatives of the Inspectorate/Provincial monitors or supervisor of examiners may be allowed on the test track during a test.
From the commencement of Part 1 of the test to the completion of Part 2 of the test, the following items shall be marked throughout:
• | Violation of traffic law, |
• | Uncontrolled/Dangerous action, and |
• | Collision/Mechanical failure. |
Any travelling to be done in the motorcycle being used for the test may only be done after completion of the pre-trip inspection and shall be ridden by the applicant.
The "Start" and "Finish" time shall be recorded in the appropriate blocks on the test report, however there is no time limit for this test.
On completion of the test a copy of the test report shall be handed to the applicant, after it has been discussed with him/her.
Before the commencement of Part One of the test, the examiner shall inform the applicant of the following:
(a) | observation shall be done and signals given as though on a public road, |
(b) | that a crash helmet, properly fastened, must be worn throughout the test, |
(c) | both wheels must remain in contact with the road surface at all times, |
(d) | the indicated boundary lines for a specific manoeuvre shall not be touched whilst such manoeuvre is being conducted, |
(e) | all road signs, signals, rules and markings shall be obeyed, |
(f) | to switch off the engine when the motorcycle is unattended, |
(g) | no uncontrolled or dangerous action shall be permitted, and |
(h) | questions may be asked pertaining the above. |
• | The instructions and explanation to conduct a maneuvre shall only be given whilst the motorcycle is stationary prior to the commencement of that specific maneuvre. |
• | The applicant shall not be penalised for touching any boundary lines between manoeuvres. |
• | Immediately after moving off, the applicant must place both feet on the motorcycle's footpegs. |
• | That the applicant may discontinue at any stage if he/she feels that the test is too difficult, but that he/she must complete the entire test in order to pass. |

The complete test track (See Technicl Data for measurements).
3.2.1 Pre-trip inspection and Starting procedure
A physical pre-trip inspection shall be executed on instruction and under supervision of the examiner for every test.
Pre-trip inspection (Module 1)
• | The examiner accompanies the applicant to his/her motorcycle where the applicant shall conduct the pre-trip inspection. |
• | In the event of there being minor defects, the applicant may be allowed the opportunity to rectify them, however, a time limit of not more than 5 minutes will be allowed. |
• | Should any of the items indicated on the test report under the headings "Pre-trip inspection" be inoperative, the vehicle will be considered unroadworthy and the examiner shall circle the black block under the heading "ROADWORTHINESS" on the test report, make a cross in the "FAIL" block and immediately discontinue the test. |
Starting procedure (Module 4)
(a) | The examiner shall instruct the applicant to mount the motorcycle and to start the engine. |
(b) | The examiner shall instruct the applicant to operate the lights, direction indicators and horn. |
(c) | Should any of the items indicated on the test report under the headings "Pre-trip inspection) be inoperative, the vehicle will be considered unroadworthy and the examiner shall circle the black block under the heading "ROADWORTHINESS" on the test report, make a cross in the "FAIL" block and immediately discontinue the test. |
(d) | If the applicant neglects to carry out an action it must be recorded as such in the appropriate section on the test report. |
3.2.2 | Speed management (Module 14) |
The examiner shall instruct the applicant as follows:
(a) | on command to move off from point "A*, along the path in the direction of "D" without touching the indicated boundary lines, |
(b) | to change to a higher gear, |
(c) | to accelerate to approximately 25km/h, and maintain a steady speed, |
(d) | at point 'C" to reduce speed evenly and progressively using both brakes without skidding, |
(e) | to change to a lower gear, |
(f) | to stop with the front wheel on cross point D", |
(g) | not to move the motorcycle until the examiner has checked the stopping point, |
(h) | that if he/she rides too slowly or fails to stop within the prescribed distance from the cross point "D", he/she will be allowed two additional attempts, but |
(i) | should he/she during the third attempt, ride too slowly or fail to stop within the prescribed distance from "D", the test will be discontinued. |
3.2.3 | Moving off/Turns (left) |
The examiner shall instruct the applicant as follows:
(a) | on command to move off from point 'R" and to ride straight towards point "U", |
(b) | at point 'U" to turn left between the outer and inner boundary lines as at an intersection without touching either the inner or outer boundary lines of the corner at "W", |
(c) | to stop at the stop line at "N", |
(d) | to move off in the direction of "V"F) |
(e) | to turn left at point V between the outer and inner boundary lines as at an intersection, without touching either the inner or outer boundary lines of the comer at X". Once the tum is completed at point "X', the manoeuvre will end, and |
(f) | only one attempt will be allowed. |
3.2.4 Lane change (Module 23)
The examiner shall instruct the applicant as follows:
(a) | on command to move off from point "A" along the path in the direction of "D", |
(b) | the left hand side line of the straight path between "A" and :C" may not be touched anywhere, |
(c) | to change to a higher gear, |
(d) | to carry out a lane change to the right without crossing line "0-P" and passing to the left of such line, and return to the examiner, |
(e) | only one attempt will be allowed, and |
(f) | the right hand side line of the straight path between "A" and "C" shall be crossed before getting to "C". |
3.2.5 | Incline start (Module 15) |
The examiner shall instruct the applicant to:
(a) | stop where indicated without allowing the motorcycle to move backwards, |
(b) | move off without rolling back, and |
(c) | that only one attempt shall be permissible. |
3.3.1 | Turning speed judgement (Module 16) |
The examiner shall instruct the applicant as follows:
(a) | to move off from point "E" and change to a higher gear, |
(b) | to ride as fast as he/she can through the painted curve to the left, |
(c) | without touching boundary lines (painted curve), |
(d) | to stop at point "F" without touching the outer boundary line, |
(e) | to repeat the test from point "F" in the opposite direction, and |
(f) | if he/she rides too slowly but without touching a boundary line two additional attempts will be allowed. |
3.3.2 | Emergency stop/-swerves (Module 17& 18) |
The examiner shall instruct the applicant as follows:
(a) | on command to move off from point "A", |
(b) | the boundary lines of the straight path between "A" and "c" may not be touched anywhere, |
(c) | to ride straight along the path in the direction of the signal lights and change to a higher gear, |
(d) | to reach a speed of approximately 25km/h, |
(e) | to watch the lights which will come on in any order, when he/she passes point "B", |
(f) | should the middle (red) light come on, to stop the motorcycle as quickly as possible, without any part of the motorcycle protruding beyond the 45"' calibration mark, |
(g) | to remain stationary until the stop point has been determined, |
(h) | should a amber light come on, to swerve as far in that direction as he/she can across (or beyond) the calibrated line "K-L", and to stop before the outer boundary line, |
(i) | without touching lines "0-P", "M-N" or the outer boundary lines, and |
(j) | if he/she rides too slowly or carries out a wrong manoeuvre but without touching a boundary line during the first attempt, two additional attempts will be allowed. |
3.4.1 | Should the applicant fall or let the motorcycle fall, circle the applicable black block at "UNCONTROLLED/DANGEROUS ACTION" on the test report and make a note under "Remarks" and discontinue the test. |
Should the test in progress be terminated due to mechanical failure of the motorcycle, the test shall be deferred, and a cross shall be made in the "DEFERRED" block, provided that no black block was circled prior to the mechanical failure.
3.6.1 | Should the applicant cause a collision or be involved in a collision which is considered to have been avoidable, circle the black block under the heading "COLLISION/MECH.FAIL" on the test report and make a cross in the "FAIL" block and immediately discontinue the test. |
3.6.2 | Should the collision be considered to have been unavoidable a cross shall be indicated in the white block under the heading "COLLISION/MECH.FAIL.", and the applicant shall be given the option of completing the test if the vehicle is still roadworthy. |
If the motorcycle is unroadworthy and/or the applicant wishes to have the test deferred, a cross shall be made in the block marked "DEFERRED" and the test discontinued, provided that no black block was circled prior to the collision
3.7.1 | When conditions beyond the control of the examiner or the applicant are likely to affect a test adversely, the test shall be deferred. |
3.7.2 | Should a test be deferred, the reason shall be recorded under "GENERAL REMARKS". |
3.7.3 | Should the test be deferred at any stage the applicant shall again be subjected to a full test. |