National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998)


Request to Register a Water Use - Kwa-Zulu Natal

Notice of 2000

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9 June 2000


In terms of regulation 3(b) of Regulation 1352 dated 12 November 1999 a person who uses water as contemplated in section 21 of the National Water Act, 1998 (Act No. 36 of 1998) must, when called upon by the responsible authority to do so, register the water use.


I, Johann Georg Geoffrey Hansmann in my capacity as Regional Director: Water Resource Management: Kwa-Zulu Natal, duly delegated by the Minister of Water Affairs and Forestry, hereby request that all persons who use water as set out below must register their water use.


1)Water Use


The following water uses in terms of section 21 of the National Water Act, 1998 must be registered—


a)taking water from a water resource
b)storing water
c)impeding or diverting the flow of water in a water course
d)engaging in a stream flow reduction activity (afforestation only at this stage)
e)engaging in a controlled activity: irrigating with waste or water containing waste generated through any industrial activity or by a water works
f)discharging waste or water containing waste into a water resource through a pipe, canal, sewer, sea outfall or other conduit
g)disposing of waste in a manner which may detrimentally impact on a water resource
h)disposing in any manner of water which contains waste from, or which has been heated in, any industrial or power generation process
i)altering the bed, banks, course or characteristics of a watercourse
j)removing, discharging or disposing of water found underground if it is necessary for the efficient continuation of an activity or for safety of people.


2)Area of applicability


This Notice is applicable to all water uses set out in paragraph 1 above, within the Mhlathuze to Usutu Water Management Area.See map herewith.


3)Extent of Water Use to be Registered within the Usuthu to Mhlathuze Water Management Area


3.1Within the Mhlathuze and Mkuze catchments, as well as the catchment above the Klipfontein Dam:


The extent of the water use to be registered is:-

The taking of more than 25 cubic metres from surface water or 10 cubic metres from groundwater on any given day for any purpose.
Storing of more than 10 000 cubic metres of water on any separately registered property or parcel of land.
The taking of groundwater at a rate that exceeds 2,5 litres per second.


3.2Areas other than the Mhlathuze, Mkuze and Klipfontein Dam catchments:


The extent of the water use to be registered is:-

As in paragraph 3.1 above, except that the taking of 25 cubic metres from surface water on any given day, for any purpose, be replaced with 50 cubic metres per day.




The following individual water users need not register in terms of this Notice-

Schedule 1 uses in terms of the National Water Act (essentially domestic use)
the taking of water from a bulk supplier or a communal scheme, where the bulk use will be registered as a whole. (The bulk supplier i.e. Mhlathuze Water or the Local Authority will register).


5)Registration Forms


Only official registration forms may be used.Registration forms arnable on written request from:-


The Regional Director

Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

Private Bag X 1018




Forms are also obtainable during working hours between 07h30 and 16h00 until 30 June 2000 from:-


Department of Water Affairs and Forestry

9th Floor, Williams Palmer Building

447 Smith Street



Telephone:(031) 336 2700


6)Time period for registering


Water users must submit their completed registration forms marked for attention Mrs B Vermaak to the above postal address, on, or before the dates below:


1.Mhlathuze catchment: 31 October 2000
2.Usutu catchment: 28 February 2001
3.Remainder: 30 November 2000


7)Failure to register


Any person who fails to comply with this Notice is guilty of an offence.



J G G Hansmann

Regional Director

Date: 4 May 2000