National Gambling Act, 1996

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To make provision for the regulation and co-ordination of certain matters relating to casinos, gambling and wagering; for that purpose to make provision for the promotion of uniform norms and standards applying generally throughout the Republic; to make provision for the establishment of the National Gambling Board; and to make provision for matters connected


Last update: January 2001

Copyright: This Act reproduced under Government Printers Copyright Authority 10154 dated 20 March 1996

Disclaimer: This Act is presented "as is". Please read our Disclaimer before continuing.


Latest Developments:


This Act repealed by the National Gambling Act, 2004 (Act No. 7 of 2004).

The Regulations on Limited Payout Machines have been added as gazetted on 21-12-00 in GG 21945 as GN R1425. These replace the Draft Regulations mentioned below.

The Draft Regulations on Limited Payout Machines has been added to the Act, as published in Gazette 21584 and dated 22 September 2000.

The National Gambling Act, 1996, as published in Government Gazette Notice No. 1098 and dated 3 July 1996 has been added to the site.The last update being the National Gambling Amendment Act, 1999, as published in Gazette 20514 and dated 1 October 1999.