Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)


Regulations Relating to the Accreditation of Institutions as Nursing Education Institutions

7. Extension of accreditation scope

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(1)A nursing education institution must apply to the Council for extension of its accreditation scope for—
(a)an additional nursing education programme;
(b)new or additional learning sites;
(c)any change in physical location of an accredited facility;
(d)additional clinical facilities;
(e)an increase in learner numbers; or
(f)additional learner intakes.


(2)A nursing education institution must inform the Council within thirty (30) days after any changes made to the ownership, name, head of the nursing education or governance structure of the institution.


(3)A decision on extension of the scope of accreditation must be based on a review of the application and it may include an audit or a focus visit to validate the information provided.


(4)A nursing education institution may only extend its accreditation scope if tip Council grants such an extension.


(5)Extension of scope by the nursing education institution without complying with subregulations (1), (2), (3) and (4) is an offence for which the head of the nursing education institution shall be held liable.