Nursing Act, 2005 (Act No. 33 of 2005)


Regulations Regarding an Appeal Against Decisions of the South African Nursing Council

6. Findings of the appeal committee

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(1)The appeal committee may, after hearing the appeal:
(a)confirm the Council decision; or
(b)set aside the Council decision; or
(c)vary the relevant decision of the Council; and
(d)direct the Council to execute the decision of the appeal committee in that regard.


(2)The decision of the appeal committee must be in writing and a copy must be furnished to the Appellant as well as to the Council within fourteen (14) working days from the date on which a finding was made.


(3)The decision of the appeal committee shall be in force and effect from the date determined by the committee, unless set aside by the High Court.


(4)A person or institution who is aggrieved by the decision of the committee, may appeal to the High Court against the whole or any part of the decision.


(5)A decision against which an appeal is lodged continues to be in force and effect unless the High Court orders otherwise.