Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)

34. Obstruction of investigation or inquiry or presiding Inspector or failure to render assistance

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No person shall, in relation to any investigation or inquiry held in terms of section 31 or section 32

(a)without reasonable justification fail to comply with any lawful direction, subpoena, request or order issued or given by the presiding inspector;
(b)refuse or fail to answer to the best of his knowledge any question lawfully put to him by or with the concurrence of the presiding inspector: Provided that no person shall be obliged to answer any question whereby he may incriminate himself;
(c)in any manner whatsoever advise, encourage, incite, order or persuade any person who has been directed, subpoenaed, requested or ordered to do something by the presiding inspector, not to comply with such direction, subpoena, request or order or in any manner prevent him from doing so;
(d)refuse or fail, when required thereto by the presiding inspector, to furnish him with the means or to render him the necessary assistance for holding such inquiry;
(e)refuse or fail, when required thereto by the presiding inspector, to attend an inquiry; or
(f)intentionally insult the presiding inspector or his assistant or intentionally interrupt the proceedings thereof.