Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Diving Regulations, 2009

23. Diving Advisory Board

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(1)The chief inspector must establish a Diving Advisory Board consisting of—
(a)an officer of the Department of Labour, who is the chairperson;
(b)one inspector;
(c)one person representing the Department of Minerals and Energy;
(d)one level 2 designated medical practitioner, who is a member of SAUHMA;
(e)one instructor;
(f)one diving contractor; and
(g)one supervisor, holding the minimum of a Class II supervisor's qualification.


(2)The chief inspector may authorise the Diving Advisory Board to co-opt persons who have specialised knowledge of the matters dealt with by the Diving Advisory Board.


(3)The chief inspector must appoint the members of the Diving Advisory Board for a period that he or she may determine at the time of appointment.


(4)The chief inspector may discharge a member of the Diving Advisory Board before the termination of his or her period of appointment after that member has been afforded a reasonable opportunity to respond to the reasons for the intended discharge.


(5)The Diving Advisory Board must—
(a)make recommendations and submit reports to the chief inspector regarding any matter to which these Regulations relate;
(b)advise the chief inspector regarding any matter referred to the Diving Advisory Board by the chief inspector;
(c)perform other functions that may be requested by the chief inspector;
(d)refer appeals against decisions of the Diving Advisory Board to the chief inspector; and
(e)conduct its work in accordance with the instructions and rules of conduct made by the chief inspector.