Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)

Guidance Notes

Electrical Installations Regulations, 2009

2. The definitions and the regulations

2.13 Regulation 14 - Fees payable

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The fees payable in respect of an application in terms of regulation 3(2), 6(3) and 11(1) or a duplicate certificate of registration in terms of regulation 13(1) shall be R120,00 and shall be payable in the form of uncancelled revenue stamps affixed to the application form when payable to the chief inspector.




1.Any payments to the Department of Labour shall be made at any Labour Centre or any branch of First National Bank. The banking details are as follow:


o Account holder:

Department of Labour

o Bank:

First National Bank

o Account number:


o Branch code:


o Reference:

OHS: EIR- (your surname and initials).