Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Health and Safety of Children at Work Regulations

Schedule 1: Guidelines on risk assessments and plans of safe work procedures regarding permitted work by child workers

12. Examples of steps that may be included in a plan of safe work procedures

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The following are examples of guidelines and tips to be taken into account when drafting a plan of safe work procedures, or when implementing a plan, in specific situations.


1)Guidelines on the risk of crime and abusive customers:
a)Handling cash:
i)Leave a clear, unobstructed view of the cash register from the street;
ii)Post signs saying cash register contains minimal cash;
iii)Store cash in a drop safe, limited-access safe or comparable safe container;
iv)Don't count cash or close the till in front of customers;
v)Practice the "buddy system" during cash drops.
b)Creating a safer retail environment:
i)Develop a workplace violence prevention plan, and use it to train employees;
ii)Train employees on what to do in case of a robbery;
iii)Train employees on how to de-escalate a potentially violent situation. Establish a policy that employees not resist or pursue shoplifters;
iv)Establish a reporting process for violent incidents and threats;
v)Consider displaying a "no safe keys held on the premises" notice.
i)Post emergency telephone numbers in an accessible place;
ii)Places notices on laws against assault, stalking or violent acts.
i)Schedule at least two people per shift. child workers may not work without adult (age 18 or older) supervision after 8 pm;
ii)Don't require child workers who serve customers to wear revealing uniforms or clothing;
iii)Keep background noise to a minimum.
e)Entering and leaving:

Have more than one exit employees can reach in case of emergency;

Practice the "buddy system" to walk to public transportation and parking areas.

Although back doors should be locked at night, employees should still be able to exit easily, especially during an emergency situation.

f)Security and lighting:
i)Use alarms and locks. Make sure they work properly;
ii)Use security surveillance cameras or mirrors, if possible;
iii)Provide a "panic" button, silent alarm or other means for employees to communicate with police or security;
iv)Provide adequate lighting and security in parking lots and other areas where employees go alone at night;
v)Work with your local police and security to identify any special arrangements which might be useful in a particular location.


2)Proper lifting of weights / loads
a)Assess the load:
i)Check if the shape or mass of the load presents a risk to safe manual lifting;
ii)Use a lifting aid or hand truck/trolley if possible. Get help if you need it;
iii)Check for slivers, nails, exposed staples;
iv)Use gloves if necessary;
v)Make sure you have a clear path to where you are moving it to.
b)Lifting the load:
i)Place you feet to ensure a stable base to do the lift;
ii)Bring the load as close to you as possible before lifting;
iii)Establish a good hand grip to lift the load
iv)Lift with your legs, not your back;
v)Keep your head up, your back straight and don't bend at your hips.
c)Moving the load:
i)Keep the load close to your body;
ii)Look where you are going;
iii)Shift your feet to turn, don't twist your body.
d)Putting it down:
i)When putting a load down, let your leg muscles carry it down;
ii)Make certain your fingers and toes are clear before putting the load down;
iii)Place the load first then, move it into the required position. Do not twist your body while placing a load as it can cause back strain.