Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Health and Safety of Children at Work Regulations

Schedule 1: Guidelines on risk assessments and plans of safe work procedures regarding permitted work by child workers

9. Checklist on basic training principles

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1)What to train child worker on:
a)job safety requirements, including safety regarding the specific tasks the worker would perform, and health and safety requirements for such work under the law;
b)how to recognize hazards;
c)what precautions to take;
d)what to do if a problem or emergency arises;
e)how to report an injury;
f)where they can go to for further advice.


2)How to train:
a)give clear instructions;
b)ask worker to repeat instructions;
c)show worker how to perform the task;
d)watch worker perform the task, and correct errors;
e)make the training age-appropriate and make it fun and easy to understand;
f)encourage them to ask questions.


3)When to train:
a)when worker is first hired;
b)when worker is given new task or tool;
c)when a new hazard is introduced into workplace;
d)after an incident (an injury or close call);
e)when the child worker returns to the work environment after a significant period of absence;
f)regularly, such as through on-site safety training.


4)On-site safety training
a)"On-site Safety Training" means a short, concise safety training session held out in a work area. It has been widely used in some industries and has proven effective in preventing injuries. Monthly or weekly on-site safety training is recommended to help keep safety on the minds of the workers, make it part of the normal routine, and demonstrate the importance you place on safety.
b)The on-site training session should keep the following in mind:
i)keep the training sessions short, for instance, 10-15 minutes maximum, to keep worker attention;
ii)focus on a single topic and keep it simple;
iii)hold on-site training regularly; a common practice is monthly or weekly on the same day;
iv)select days and times when workers are fully attentive; first thing Monday morning or last thing Friday are not good times;
v)pick a location that is relatively free from distractions, either out in the workplace or where employees normally are found - a quiet break room is acceptable. Sometimes the best place is near where the hazards are;
vi)keep your presentation informal. Use language workers will understand. Be upbeat and enthusiastic.
vii)choose topics that apply directly to your operation, and be specific in telling workers how it applies to them personally. Keep it relevant;
viii)injury incidents or near misses are good subjects. Let the workers suggest topics and highlight issues;
ix)use visual aids such as safety signs, flip charts, diagrams, illustrations, or actual objects. Demonstrate a procedure if appropriate. Use handouts if needed, but keep them simple;
x)encourage questions and discussion. Bl3 sure workers are paying attention and actively learning;
xi)have workers sign a sheet documenting their presence at the training, and keep on file.