Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Hazardous Biological Agents Regulations

16. Special measures for laboratories, animal rooms and industrial processes

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1)In the case of laboratories, animal rooms and industrial processes the employer or self-employed person contemplated in regulation 2 shall ensure that the containment measures required in –
a)Annexure C and E are implemented in laboratories and in rooms for laboratory animals, including diagnostic laboratories, and in rooms for laboratory animals that have been deliberately infected with Group 2, 3 and 4 HBA or where laboratory animals are suspected of carrying such agents;
b)Annexure C and E are implemented in laboratories handling materials in respect of which uncertainty prevails about the presence of HBA that may cause human disease, but that do not have as their aim working with HBA as such: Provided that the containment measures that are required for Group 3 or 4 are implemented where it is known or suspected that it is necessary; and
c)Annexure C and F are implemented where Group 2, 3 or 4 HBA are used in industrial processes: Provided that where it has not been possible to carry out a conclusive assessment of HBA, but where the use envisaged might involve a serious health risk for persons, such activities may be carried out only in workplaces where the containment measures correspond to the requirement for Group 3 HBA.