Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Ergonomics Regulations, 2018

Annexure 1 : Explanatory Notes to Ergonomics Regulations 2019

Regulation 11: Ergonomics Health and Safety Technical Committee

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The chief inspector must establish a health and safety Technical Committee (TC) for ergonomics. The TC shall consist of a tripartite structure which includes; government, organised business and organised labour and specialists in the field of ergonomics. The specialists will include a person from a professional body recognised by the chief inspector, a person from a higher education institution and a person representing occupational medicine. The chief inspector may co-opt a person or persons to the TC, who have competence in a specific matter relating to ergonomics health and safety.


The duties of the ergonomics health and safety technical committee include;


Advising the chief inspector on matters relating to codes, standards and training requirements in terms of ergonomics or any matter referred to the TC
Making recommendations to the chief inspector on matters applying to the Ergonomics Regulations
Performing any other function of administration for the Ergonomics Regulations


The TC must also work within the instructions and rules of conduct established by the chief inspector.