Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Ergonomics Regulations, 2018

Annexure 1 : Explanatory Notes to Ergonomics Regulations 2019

Regulation 5: Duties of Designers, Manufacturers, Importers and Suppliers

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Effective use of ergonomics in the design process will result in a workplace that is safe and without risk to the health of employees. Ergonomics is design driven, therefore it does not stop with determining risk but with the resolution and implementation of new designs to mitigate the risks identified, whether these risks are for incidents, adverse health effects or poor productivity. Designing tasks, plant, machinery and work-systems to suit the employee can reduce human error, incidents and adverse health effects. Failure to observe ergonomic principles can have serious consequences for employees and for the employer.


The following should be taken into account by the designer, manufacturer, importer and supplier:


Ergonomics needs to be taken into account in all steps of the life cycle of the plant, machinery or work systems. The design, installation, operation, maintenance and decommissioning should be considered
Employee characteristics
Foreseeable operating conditions including upsets and emergencies.
The interface between the employee and the system
Instructions, technical information, warning signs, safe operation for the employee must be provided
Where possible, SANS standards must be taken into account