Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Regulations for Hazardous Biological Agents, 2022

7. Exposure monitoring of HBAs

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(1) An employer must establish and maintain an exposure monitoring programme at the workplace which is representative of the employees' exposure to HBAs.


(2)The exposure monitoring programme must be—
(a)in accordance with a validated procedure, sufficiently sensitive and of proven effectiveness;
(b)conducted by a competent person;
(c)conducted at intervals determined in the risk assessment but not exceeding 24 months; and
(d)conducted when any change occurs which may affect the exposure.


(3)An employer must, in terms of exposure monitoring—
(a)consider the recommendations identified in the exposure monitoring report; and
(b)develop a documented action plan for the implementation of the recommendations.