Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Commercial Diving Regulations, 2022

11. Training standards, assessment criteria and codes of practice

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(1)The chief inspector may, in consultation with the Diving Technical Committee—
(a) develop or review standards for the conduct of training and assessments in terms of these regulations;
(b) evaluate and approve appropriate assessment criteria for the registration of qualifications derived from training in terms of these regulations; and
(c) develop or review approved codes of practice relevant to commercial diving in order to guide and regulate commercial diving and training operations.


(2) The training provided for class II commercial divers must be in accordance with the latest version of the relevant regulations, training standards, code of practice for offshore diving, relevant IMCA standards and any other relevant documents.


(3) The training provided for class lll, IV, V and VI commercial divers must be in accordance with the latest version of the relevant regulations, training standards, code of practice for inshore diving and any other relevant documents.