Occupational Health and Safety Act, 1993 (Act No. 85 of 1993)


Regulations for Hazardous Chemical Agents, 2020


Annexure 3 : Hazardous Chemical Agent Guidelines

Guidance on medical surveillance and biological monitoring

Mixed exposures

Complicating factors

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85. Several factors that complicate the assessment and control of exposure to individual agents will also affect cases of mixed exposures and will require similar special consideration. Such factors include:


(a) exposure to an agent for which there is no established limit or for which an OEL-ML has been set;


(b) the relevance of factors such as alcohol, medication, smoking and additional stresses;


(c) exposure of the skin to one or more agents that can be absorbed by this route, as well as by inhalation; and


(d) agents in mixture may mutually affect the extent of their absorption, as well as their health effects, at a given level of exposure.