Patents Act, 1978 (Act No. 57 of 1978)


Patent Regulations, 1978


Schedule 3

Numerical References used on patent documentation

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(10)Document identification
 (11)Number of the document.
*(19)ICIREPAT country code, or other identification, of the country publishing the document.
(20)Domestic filing date
 (21)Number(s) assigned to the application(s).
 (22)Date(s) of lodging application(s).
 (23)Other date(s) of lodging including exhibition lodging date and date of lodging complete specification following provisional specification.
(30)Convention priority data
 (31)Number(s) assigned to priority application(s).
 (32)Date(s) of lodging of priority application(s).
 (33)Country (countries) in which priority application(s) was (were) lodged.
(40)Date(s) of making available to the public
* (41)Date of making available to the public for inspection, or copying on request, an unexamined document on which no grant of patent has taken place on or before the said date.
* (42)Date of making available to the public for inspection, or copying on request, an examined document on which no grant of patent has taken place on or before the said date.
* (43)Date of publication by printing or similar process of an unexamined document on which no grant of patent has taken place on or before the said date.
* (44)Date of publication by printing or similar process of an examined document on which no grant of patent has taken place on or before the said date.
* (45)Date of publication by printing or similar process of a document on which grant of patent has taken place on or before the said date.
  (46)Date of publication by printing or similar process of the claim(s) only of a document.
* (47)Date of making available to the public by viewing or copying on request, a document on which grant of patent has taken place on or before the said date.


*Minimum data element for documents only, the minimum date requirement being met by indicating the date of making available to the public the document concerned


(50)Technical information
 (51)International patent classification.
 (52)Domestic or national classification.
 (53)Universal decimal classification.
 (54)Title of the invention.
 (56)List of prior art documents, if separate from descriptive text.
 (57)Abstract or claim.
 (58)Field of search.
(60)Reference(s) to other legally related domestic document(s)
 (61)Related by addition(s).
 (62)Related by division(s).
(63)Related by continuation(s).
(64)Related by reissue(s).
(70)Identification of parties concerned with the document
* (71)Name(s) of applicant(s).
  (72)Name(s) of inventor(s) if known to be such.
* (73)Name(s) of grantee(s).
  (74)Name(s) of attorney(s) or agent(s).
* (75)Name(s) of inventor(s) who is/are also applicant(s).
* (76)Name(s) of inventor(s) who is/are also applicant(s) and grantee(s).


*For documents on which grant has taken place on or before the date of making available to the public, and journal entries relating thereto, the minimum data requirement is met by indicating the grantee, and for other documents by indicating the applicant(s).