"employer surplus account"

in relation to a fund, means an account provided for in the rules of the fund to which shall be credited—

a)amounts allocated by the board in terms of sections 15C and 15F or transferred into the fund for the credit of the account in terms of section 15E (1) (e);
b)such contributions as are specified in the rules to be credited to this account; and
c)fund return on the balance in the account from time to time: Provided that the board may elect to smooth the fund return,

and to which shall be debited—

d)any actuarial surplus utilised by the employer; and
e)any actuarial surplus transferred to any other account in the fund at the request of the employer or transferred to another fund in terms of section 15E (1) (e);

[Definition amended by section 1(j) of Act No. 45 of 2013]