Petroleum Products Act, 1977 (Act No. 120 of 1977)


Regulations regarding Petroleum Products Manufacturing Licences

11. Conditions with regard to manufacturing licence

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(1)The licensed manufacturing activity must remain a going concern.


(2)A licensed manufacturer may only manufacture petroleum products within the maximum design capacity stated on its licence.


(3)A licensed manufacturer must—
(a)maintain minimum working stock levels in compliance with applicable regulations;
(b)if so instructed in writing by the Controller, submit to the Controller, within the period specified in the instruction, information—
(i)necessary for the regulation of petroleum products;
(ii)on petroleum products sold and crude oil stored during the period specified in the instruction;
(iii)on stock levels of petroleum products, in terms of applicable regulatory requirements; and
(iv)in respect of progress in complying with the objectives of the Charter;
(c)at all times carry out legitimate instructions from the Controller;
(d)comply with Charter;
(e)submit the information set out in regulation 18;
(f)comply with the provisions of the fuel specifications determined in regulations made under section 12C (1)(e) of the Act;
(g)if so directed by the Controller, desist from supplying petroleum products to a licensed wholesaler or retailer that is not in compliance with the Act or the conditions of its wholesale or retail licence;
(h)inform the Controller, in writing, of any change of address, name of the licensee or telephone number within 30 days of the relevant change taking effect; and
(i)pay the annual licence fee determined in Annexure B before the anniversary of the date of issue of the licence.


(4)Any licence issued in terms of these Regulations—
(a)remains the property of the Department of Minerals and Energy;
(b)may be cancelled or suspended at any time subject to Regulation 22;
(c)may not be tempered with or defaced in any manner; and
(d)may not be altered in any manner.