2.1.1 | Explain and obtain informed consent from the patient. |
2.1.2 | Take an appropriate medical, social and medication use history including allergies and intolerances. |
2.1.3 | Encourage the patients to notify their partners if they had engaged in risky sexual behaviour, or they have been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted disease or are pregnant (or any other applicable reason for notification). |
2.1.4 | Conduct an appropriate reproductive health consultation. |
2.1.5 | Interpret all available and relevant patient records to date, for effective patient reproductive health management. |
2.1.6 | Provide advice in case of actual/potential medicine, therapy and/or intervention failure. |
2.1.7 | Discuss the need for proper storage of contraceptives, condoms, and lubricants with the patient. |
2.1.8 | Provide information on contraceptives and condom storage, and utilisation. |
2.1.9 | Provide information on how to determine condom safety and how to appropriately dispose-off used condom(s). |
2.1.10 | Discuss the need for dual protection against STIs and HIV, and the prevention of unplanned pregnancies. |
2.1.11 | Provide information on the different contraceptive medicines, therapies and/or other interventions. |
2.1.12 | Conduct health outcomes measurement and reporting. |
2.2 | Medicine and medical device safety |
2.2.1 | Store medicines and medical devices appropriately. |
2.3 | Pharmacist-initiated therapy |
2.3.1 | Provide fertility screening. |
2.3.2 | Screen the patient for pregnancy and STIs and refer to the relevant health care professional if necessary. |
2.3.3 | Screen the patient for any possible contraindications and/or other intolerances. |
2.3.4 | Address any misconceptions pertaining to any aspect of reproductive health e.g., infertility, contraceptive failure. |
2.4.1 | Understand the potential adverse effects and/or other intolerances and take steps to avoid/minimise, recognise and, manage them and refer where needed. |
2.4.2 | Report adverse effects where applicable. |
2.4.3 | Advise patients on the actions to take in case of contraindications, adverse effects, and other intolerances. |
2.4.4 | Offer adequate counselling regarding any contraindications, adverse effects, and other intolerances |