Pharmacy Act, 1974 (Act No. 53 of 1974)

Board Notices

Pharmacists providing Family Planning Services (Reproductive Health Services)

Part 2: Competency Standards for Pharmacists who provides Family Planning Services (Reproductive Health Services)

4. Summary of Competency Standards for a Pharmacist providing Family Planning Services

Domain 5: Professional and personal practice

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Domain 5 includes behavioural statements that focus on professional practice, code of conduct and adhering to legal requirements and ability to work collaboratively with other healthcare professionals.


The competencies required are:


5.1 Professional practice
5.2 Ethical and legal practice
5.3 Continuing professional development
5.4 Collaborative practice





5.1 Professional practice
5.1.1 Practise in a pharmacy that has a private consultation room.
5.1.2 Diagnose conditions and prescribe or administer hormonal contraceptive medicines according to the Primary Health Care (PHC) Standard Treatment Guidelines (STG) and Essential Medicines List (EML).
5.1.3 Responsible for their own safe and efficient practice and are bound by Good Pharmacy Practice standards, ethical rules and the code of conduct.
5.1.4 Behave with integrity and honesty, and do not engage in any behaviour or activity likely to bring the profession into disrepute and undermine public confidence in the profession.
5.1.5 Act in the interest of patients and other members of the public and seek to provide the best possible family planning services for the community, in partnership with other health professionals.
5.2 Ethical and legal practice
5.2.1 Promote safe and efficient practice bound by Good Pharmacy Practice standards, ethical rules, and the code of conduct.
5.2.2 Practice within legal and regulatory frameworks affecting prescribing and administration of medicines.
5.3 Continuing professional development
5.3.1 Keep abreast with clinical and professional developments.
5.3.2 Keep abreast with evidence-based medicine and best practices in the provision and management of family planning services and related conditions.
5.4 Collaborative practice
5.4.1 Practise in collaboration with other health care professionals and refer patients to other members of a health care team when necessary.
5.4.2 Collaborate with other healthcare professionals in the planning, development, and implementation of community sexual health campaigns.
5.4.3 Establish peer review, support and mentoring arrangements to enable him/her an opportunity for reflection on prescribing, as well as other aspects of practice.