Plant Improvement Act, 2018 (Act No. 11 of 2018)


Regulations made in terms of the Plant Improvement Act, 2018

Chapter IV: Conditions for Sale of Plants and Propagating Material

24. Requirements for seed which is certified

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(1) Seed of a variety which has been certified in terms of a scheme referred to in section 45 of the Act, may be sold with an indication thal it has been certified if—
(a)such seed compiies with the requirements for seed of the kind of plant to which that of the variety belongs in the scheme concerned; and
(b)the seller of such seed is in possession of documentary evidence substantiating the fact that such seed has been certified.


(2)If the provisions of subregulation (1) cannot be complied with in respect of seed which was certified, such seed may only be sold if—
(a)it complies with the applicable provisions referred to in regulation 27 or 35, as the case may be; and
(b)prior to, at or after the sale of such seed no reference whatsoever is made of the fact that it was presented for certification or was certified.


(3)Notwithstanding the provisions of subregulation (2), seed of the varieties that are subject to the provisions of regulation 25 that does not comply with the provisions of subregulation (1), may only be sold with written authorisation  from the Registrar  and under the conditions stipulated in the authorisation.